In the City Planning Department’s meeting place on Narinkka Square at Kamppi The Helsinki Horizon 2030- exhibition was presented for the first time in spring 2010. The exhibition presents Helsinki’s most significant waterfront projects: the transformation of the harbours into housing areas in Länsisatama, Kalasatama and Kruunuvuorenranta.

The exhibition packed in the shipping container has been designed to be easy to transport and easy to store. The exhibition is effortless to set up in a new location and fast to extract. Quality materials stands the outdoor conditions and transportation. Wooden patio opens with outdoor space and works as comfortable stay for the visitors.
The exhibition started its journey abroad from the London Festival of Architecture. From there, the shipping container continued its journey to Oslo Architecture triennale, to Cannes, to Berlin and to Tallinn. In Helsinki the exhibition have been presented in Narinkka square, in the Cable factory, in Finland Hall and in Jätkäsaari.
Pictures: Meri Louekari, Bert Orjavuono, Helena Roschier, Anu Hämäläinen, Hilla Rudanko
More information about the journey of the exhibition container